Action Items & Important Dates

Welcome to the University of Denver! We are excited for you to join our community of doers and begin forging your future. 

To help you stay organized as you prepare for your time at DU, we’ve created this page to serve as a comprehensive resource for essential information about navigating financial aid, applying for housing, registering for classes, accepting or waiving your Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), and more. We also provide helpful tips on the smaller details, including when to submit your photo for your DU ID and when to order your books.

Click the buttons below for more information about being a new incoming student at DU:

If you're starting at DU in January 2025, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for a list of important dates and instructions on how to take care of the following action items:

Important Dates and Deadlines for Students Starting in the Fall

May 1Submit your admission response form and enrollment deposit
mid-JuneTransfer Student Advising Week
June 20Priority Deadline to submit our Housing Application or request a release
June 20Priority Deadline to submit an accommodation request through Student Disability Services (SDS)
June 21Priority Deadline for official college transcript(s) to be received to have college transfer credit applied before new student registration
July 1Final Deadline to submit ALL official high school and college transcript(s) to Undergraduate Admission
July 1Priority Deadline to submit proof of immunity 
early JulyFirst-Year Student Advising Week
late JulyIncoming student registration takes place
July 29Housing assignments released
early AugustAlternate format text requests through Student Disability Services (SDS)
late AugustTuition for Fall Quarter is due
September 3 - 6New Student Move-In Days and Discoveries Orientation
September 8Fall Quarter classes begin
late SeptemberDeadline to accept or waive Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)

Key Tasks Checklist

  • Secure your spot at DU

    Step 1: Submit your admission response and deposit by May 1. 

    Log in to your applicant portal to complete your admission response form and deposit. The enrollment deposit is $500 and non-refundable.

    Also, be sure to notify other colleges of your decision to attend the University of Denver. 

    Step 2: Make sure you've applied for need-based aid.

    To be eligible for need-based financial aid, make sure to submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) and CSS Profile. You may need to submit additional verification documents (but only if requested).

    Mid-March - Review and accept your financial aid offer in My4D.

    Step 3: Apply for housing.

    Your next step is to submit your housing application via the Housing Portal.

    DU’s two-year live-on requirement requires all first- and second-year undergraduate students to live on campus. However, if you live within 25 miles of the DU campus, you may be eligible to waive the on-campus housing requirement. 

    Visit DU Housing & Residential Education to learn more about housing opportunities, meal plan subscriptions, room selection, and other important resources. 

    Students with documented medical, mental health, or disability conditions can request housing accommodations. New students must submit housing accommodation requests by the beginning of June; continuing students must submit requests by the end of March. 

    Step 4: Apply for additional academic programs (Optional).

    Explore our FIRST@DU programs, including Equity in STEM (E-STEM), and 1GenU, as well as our Excelling Leaders Institute (ELI).

    Additional programs that require an application include the: Colorado Women's College (CWC) Leadership Scholars Program, University Honors Program, Living and Learning Communities (LLCs), and Pioneer Leadership Program (PLP)

    Step 5: Apply for additional cohort learning opportunities (Optional)

    Submit your application to the Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP).

    • The LEP program will incur additional fees compared to the standard tuition-free Student Disability Services (SDS) program.
    • Learn more about LEP costs and scholarships here.
  • Complete your transition tasks for financial aid, housing, and more

    Step 1: Verify your new DU email address.

    In May, you will receive instructions to set up your DU email via the email address with which you applied to DU. 

    Starting in May, the University will send critical information to your DU email address throughout your transition to campus; please check your DU email regularly. Follow these instructions to verify your DU email address

    Step 2: Submit final transcripts.

    High School Transcripts: If you are a first-year student, request your high school to send DU your final official high school transcript, either before the end of your senior year or just after graduation. A final high school transcript must include a graduate date/degree conferred date and all four years of high school. If you do not submit a transcript with all this information, the document will not be considered a final transcript, and a potential hold will likely be placed on your account. Official high school transcripts must be received via a secure online transcript service like Naviance or Parchment or in a sealed envelope directly from the high school to be considered official. Emails and any other unofficial electronic or paper transcripts will not complete this requirement. Official high school transcripts are due by July 1. 

    **If you took any concurrent or dual enrollment college courses, then you need to submit these college transcripts as well.**

    College Transcripts: Official college transcripts must be received via a secure online transcript service or in a sealed envelope directly from the college/university to be considered official. Emails and any other unofficial electronic or paper transcripts will not complete this requirement.

    All final college transcript(s), including concurrent/dual enrollment college transcript(s), must be received by June 21. 

    Please have transcripts sent to: 

    University of Denver 

    Undergraduate Admission

    2197 South University Boulevard

    Denver, CO 80208-9401

    To see how your credit transferred (please allow time for your credit to be processed), see your degree audit

    AP/IB Scores: In addition to official transcripts, if you took AP or IB courses, you need to confirm that your official scores are submitted directly to DU. If you are an incoming student, submit your AP and IB scores and college transcripts before registration so that we can award credit and help place you in your correct courses. 

    To see if your AP/IB scores will transfer in as credit, please visit the DU Registrar.

    Official AP and IB scores should be requested to be sent to DU as soon as possible for transfer credit to be awarded before new student registration. 

    To request that your AP scores are sent to the University of Denver, you should do so on the day of your exam(s), but you can also make the request afterward through the AP portal. DU’s school code is 4842.

    For official IB scores, you should contact your school’s Diploma Program Coordinator to have them submit a request to IB on your behalf. 

    If you are requesting scores late, please note that after July 5, IB graduates can request that their transcripts be sent to colleges directly by placing a request through the IB portal.

    Step 3: Finalize your financial aid.

    Accept your financial aid offer via My4D and set up your DUPay portal. We’ve created a step-by-step guide for accepting your financial aid, applying for additional loans, and more.

    If you have questions regarding your aid options, contact DU’s financial aid office.

    Step 4: Submit your proof of immunization.

    Submit proof of immunity (or a completed and signed Certificate of Exemption Form) by July 1. Please contact the Health and Counseling Center for more information: or 303.871.2205.

    Please be aware: Registering for classes may be impacted if your proof of immunity or an exemption is not received in time. Colorado state law requires proof of immunity before course registration. 

    Step 5: Submit your DU ID photo online. 

    Your DU ID card is the way you access buildings on campus, spend flex money, use meal swipes at the dining hall, and get student discounts at locations across Denver and Colorado.

    You need this card from your first day on campus, so make sure to submit your ID photo online. You can pick it up at check-in for Discoveries Orientation in early September, allowing you to skip long lines to have your photo taken. 

  • Do your registration research

    Step 1: Accept DU’s Billing Agreement.

    All students are required to sign a yearly Billing Agreement, which commits you to paying tuition and fees while at the University of Denver.

    For students under the age of 18, we will mail a hard copy of the billing agreement to you earlier in the summer for your parent or guardian to sign. Once you are 18, you need to sign the agreement online. 

    You are not permitted to complete registration until you electronically sign this agreement. A registration hold is placed on your account until the agreement is signed. To view this hold and complete the agreement, please log in to My4D. Once there, click the Student tab and navigate to “My Statement | Billing Agreement.”

    Step 2: Begin your Discoveries Summer Experience pre-orientation tasks. 

    Discoveries Summer Experience is your online pre-orientation course that will provide you with important information for your transition to DU. All new incoming students must complete this course before arrival on campus for your in-person Discoveries Orientation.

    If you have questions or concerns regarding the course, contact the New Student Programs Team at or 303-871-6080.

    Step 3: Utilize registration and advising tools.

    Step 4: Prepare for New Student Registration. 

    As you plan for your upcoming semester, keep in mind that a typical schedule consists of four courses. Each course counts for four credits, totaling 16 credits per semester. For first-year students, one of these courses is your required First-Year Seminar (FSEM)Transfer students are exempt from this course.

    Visit the New Student Advising website to learn more about the Common Curriculum, view sample course plans, and access the advising videos to assist with course selection(s). If students wish to better navigate our registration system, be sure to watch our instructional registration videos.

    Step 5: Design several Fall Quarter schedules. 

    Once you’ve reviewed DU’s curriculum structure, you can explore specific class offerings in My4D > Student tab > Advising and Registration Tools | Plan Ahead.

    When planning, remember that additional seats in some courses may be available during new student Fall Quarter registration (July 22 - 26, 2025). However, students should create at least three sample course plans and remain flexible if their first-choice courses are full.

    If you have questions or concerns regarding course planning, contact the Advising & Registration Team at or 303-871-4095.

    For questions about registration issues (including errors), contact the Advising & Registration Team at or 303-871-4095.

  • Register for Classes

    Step 1: Check the registration time ticket in My4D.

    Starting in July, you can check your registration time ticket, which tells you the earliest time and date you can register for the fall classes.

    You can find your time ticket by logging into My4D. Navigate to the "Student Tools" widget > click on "My Student Profile" > "Registration Notices" in the top right corner. Registration time tickets are displayed starting July 1. Make sure you have selected Fall Quarter 2024 in the upper left-hand corner.

    If a hold prevents registration, it will also be displayed here; make sure you have zero holds by the start of your registration time ticket. 

    Watch video instructions on how to view your registration time ticket.

    Step 2: Verify DU has received your transfer credit, AP, or IB scores. 

    AP and IB results are received in large batches starting in mid-July. It can take a couple of weeks to process these scores and award the appropriate transfer credit. 

    To verify you’ve received your transfer credits, please log in to My4D > Student tools widget > My Student Profile > Prior Education and Testing (left-hand side), where your scores are displayed. If the credits have not been received by the beginning of your registration time ticket, please refer to the DU AP and IB equivalencies information to guide your registration. 

    For AP scores: log in to College Board and verify that your scores were sent to school code 4842.

    For IB scores only: Use the IB portal to send IB scores to DU.

    To monitor your credits, use the degree audit tool.

    Step 3: Attend a group advising session. 

    Visit New Student Advising to sign up for an introductory advising session. Our advisors are eager to help new students develop their first-quarter fall schedules and answer general advising questions. 

    These sessions are held during Advising Week, starting July 8 - July 19. 

    Step 4: Register for classes.

    Incoming student registration will take place between July 22 - July 26. 

    You can register for classes by logging into My4D > Navigate to the search bar > search "Student Registration" > Select "Register for Classes." Registration is easier if you register for classes using a laptop or desktop computer, not a mobile device. 

    For assistance, refer to these instructional videos to review the advising and registration process for incoming students.  

    REMINDER: You are unable to register if you have any holds on your account (ex: your billing agreement and proof of immunization). If you have any of these holds, refer to the instructions earlier in this checklist to complete these tasks as soon as possible.  

    Step 5: Get Information on DU technology requirements. 

    Once you’ve registered for classes, be sure to review information on DU technology requirements. If needed, your laptop order should be placed through the bookstore by July 31 to ensure it is available to pick up when you arrive. Or, make plans to purchase a laptop at a local computer store before Discoveries Orientation. 

    Visit the New Students Technology Help Guide for additional information, and reach out to DU Information Technology if you require technical assistance.   

    Step 6: Get your housing assignment.

    Students will receive their housing assignment (and roommate assignment, if applicable) and their move-in date and time at the end of July via their DU email. 

    Students can also log into DU’s Housing Portal to see their housing assignment.

  • Prepare for Arrival

    Step 1: Pay your tuition. 

    Fall Quarter tuition is due in late August. Check with the Office of Student Billing for full details and other payment deadlines. 

    Step 2: Order textbooks and submit alternate format text requests.

    Before classes begin, you can order your required textbooks and course materials through the DU Bookstore and request to pick them up during Discoveries Orientation. 

    Students approved for the academic accommodation of Alternate Format Text (AFT) through Student Disability Services (SDS) should submit book requests by the week of August X to better ensure textbooks are ready before classes begin. 

    Please submit a request form for each desired textbook by completing the Alternate Format Request Form.

    For more information about accommodating requests, visit the SDS site or call 303.871.3241.

    Step 3: Complete your Discoveries Summer Experience coursework.

    The required modules of this online course must be completed before Move-In Days. 

    Step 4: Accept or waive Student Health Insurance using My4D.

    All students enrolled in one or more hours of graded, on-campus coursework at the University of Denver are required to carry personal health insurance coverage. DU offers its health insurance plan designed specifically for our student body: the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)

    While we recommend SHIP coverage for all DU students, participation in the plan is optional. If you decide to stay on a family, individual, or other non-SHIP health plan, you must request a waiver of the DU insurance by the third Friday after the start of classes. In this case, you must provide proof of adequate insurance, including a copy of your insurance card. The online waiver request process will be active by August 1.

    Read more about insurance options and fees, and find step-by-step instructions for enrolling in or waiving SHIP from the Health & Counseling Center.

  • Orientation & classes begin!

    Orientation and fall quarter class dates will be announced in mid-January 2025. Stay tuned for further updates.

    If you are an international student, learn more about International Student Move-In and Orientation on the International Student & Scholar Services site.

Key Dates & Deadlines for Students Starting in Winter, Spring, or Summer Quarter

  • Winter Quarter

    October - November 2024 - Decide to come to DU!

    • Step 1: Read through the Admitted Student Brochure.
    • Step 2: Review your Financial Aid Offer. Review and accept your financial aid offer and set up your DUPay portal. 
    • Step 3: Review major and minor requirements at DU. Review your credit audit and explore the majors and minors offered at DU. The faculty and administration have prepared the University of Denver Undergraduate Bulletin to serve as the governing document for the University’s undergraduate academic programs, courses, and policies. 
    • Step 4: Submit the Admission Response Form & Deposit. Once you’ve decided you’re ready to attend DU, submit your admission response form and deposit and notify other colleges of your decision to attend the University of Denver by late November. 
    • Step 5: Secure your housing. Attending DU may require you to relocate to Denver. If you would like to live in DU on-campus housing, apply via the Housing Application. If you would prefer to live off-campus and would like assistance with this process, utilize our off-campus housing resources.
    • Step 6: Set up your DU email. As a newly admitted student, you will receive an email or letter indicating that your DU email address was created and your email account is available on Office 365. All important University correspondence will go to this email address, so you must get in the habit of checking it often. For questions about your email address or Office365, review information technology resources
    • Step 7: Submit Proof of Immunization. Before registering for classes, you must submit proof of immunity or a completed and signed Certificate of Exemption form. DU must have this information before allowing students to register for classes. See the Health and Counseling Center for additional information.


    November - December 2024 - Register for Classes! 

    • Step 8: Prep your best course plan. Students should utilize the language and math placement tools to prepare for upcoming courses. We recommend students take these assessments before meeting with their academic advisor to help determine an appropriate course plan. 
      • Students who plan to continue studying a foreign language should take the language placement exam. Students beginning a new foreign language do not need to take this, as they will start in the beginner course.
      • Use the math advising tool to determine the appropriate level of math course. 
    • Step 9: Make an appointment with your academic advisor: New students can begin meeting with an academic advisor starting in November for Winter 2025 advising, course selection, and support with registration. Please check your DU email for information on scheduling these appointments in late October. 
    • Step 10: Are you eligible for the GI Bill®? Visit DU Veteran Services for information and assistance on receiving your benefits. 


    December 2024 - Complete Discoveries Online Modules & Prepare for Arrival on Campus.


    January 2025 - Arrive on DU’s Campus & Attend Discoveries Orientation.

    • Step 17: Attend orientation and start classes!
      • Attend Discoveries Orientation programming from January 3, 2025 to January 5, 2025. This event is required for all DU first year and transfer students. Check your DU email for details from the Discoveries Orientation team. 


    January 6, 2025 - Winter Quarter Classes Begin.

  • Spring Quarter
    • February 2025 - Advising and registration open for Spring Quarter.
    • March 22, 2025 - Spring Quarter tuition payment due.
    • March 2025 - New student orientation
    • April 1, 2025 - Spring Quarter classes begin!
  • Summer Quarter
    • Please contact Discoveries Orientation to arrange a mandatory individualized orientation date.
    • June 15, 2025 - Summer Quarter classes begin!
